
Visuastim digital由世界知名的功能磁共振配套产品供应商Resonance Technology公司研发,其被广泛应用于任务态fMRI实验及给予被试提供放松的扫描环境,双眼裸眼3D立体呈现,每个微显示屏在0.25平方英寸的面积上集成了1,440,000个像素,给予被试极佳的视觉体验,即使最小的文本信息也可清晰的显示。双向立体声听觉系统,超薄设计的耳机兼容大部分线圈,并提供被试麦克风方便与主试沟通或用于听觉或语言学研究。整个系统最高兼容3T-7T场强的磁场环境。产品全线取得美国FDA及欧洲CE认证。


  • 裸眼3D显示功能,可方便进行视觉及虚拟现实研究;

  • 85HZ超高刷新率,给予被试流畅视觉体验;

  • 30度广角视野,沉浸式视觉体验,完全消除被试幽闭恐惧;

  • 可选配眼动追踪,用于后期更多行为学数据需要;

  • MR激光连接技术,确保图像清晰,明亮及还原度高。


  • 双路立体声,高保真还原听觉刺激;

  • 可有效降噪30db;

  • 内置主动降噪麦克风,适合语音、语言学研究;

  • 500-10K高频率响应范围。

    Resonance Technology产品问世二十余年来,超过上千家医院及科研机构采购其产品作为任务态fMRI刺激系统或作为被试放松工具,篇幅有限这里仅列举部分知名用户:
  • Á B-S, JV M-T, S L-C, P ML, E F-J. MRI evidence of brain atrophy, white matter damage, and functional adaptive changes in patients with cervical spondylosis and prolonged spinal cord compression. European radiology 2020;30: 357-369.

  • A P, E S, C V, L G, S A, K S, B R, A H, A A, E H et al. A genome-wide survey and functional brain imaging study identify CTNNBL1 as a memory-related gene. Molecular psychiatry 2013;18: 255-263.

  • AJ E, T M, J V, MM N, JC E, E N, JB A, R C, JP S. Dysfunction in emotion processing underlies functional (psychogenic) dystonia. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 2018;33: 136-145.

  • AK O, EH T, M S, KL H, J F, B G, N T. Indiscriminate amygdala response to mothers and strangers after early maternal deprivation. Biological psychiatry 2013;74: 853-860.

  • C B, M R, S M, J V, O C. Representation of Auditory Motion Directions and Sound Source Locations in the Human Planum Temporale. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 2019;39: 2208-2220.

  • E B, A M-P, C Á. Resting-state fMRI detects the effects of learning in short term: A visual search training study. Human brain mapping 2019;40: 2787-2799.

  • E V, MA F, X G, D T-G, I M-Z, C S-M, CG D, JM M, B S, T K et al. Ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity and pathological worry in generalised anxiety disorder. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science 2018;213: 437-443.

  • G DC, C DD, M M, G R. Expressing our internal states and understanding those of others. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015;112: 10331-10335.

  • G L, M F, D C, V F, L G, A H, F J, W M, A M, SG R-H et al. Computational dissection of human episodic memory reveals mental process-specific genetic profiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015;112: E4939-4948.

  • J J, RO A, F F, GA O. Seeing biological actions in 3D: An fMRI study. Human brain mapping 2016;37: 203-219.

  • J M, TR B, JM W, T T, B C, RI G, P S. A multimodal encoding model applied to imaging decision-related neural cascades in the human brain. NeuroImage 2018;180: 211-222.

  • JA W, LJ S, JR S, JC E, LR P, CM A, W W, MR S, DH B, SM S et al. Neurofunctional Differences Among Youth With and at Varying Risk for Developing Mania. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2016;55: 980-989.

  • KN K, T N, RJ P, JL G. Identifying natural images from human brain activity. Nature 2008;452: 352-355.

  • LE S, AA P, LM H, PM G, M D. The Power of the Like in Adolescence: Effects of Peer Influence on Neural and Behavioral Responses to Social Media. Psychological science 2016;27: 1027-1035.

  • M A, ES N, KA M, GJ Y, P A, W P, GS Y, AE W, M M, AM M et al. The Role of the Human Visual Cortex in Assessment of the Long-Term Durability of Retinal Gene Therapy in Follow-on RPE65 Clinical Trial Patients. Ophthalmology 2017;124: 873-883.

  • M A, H Z, PA C, LL C, KS S, KA M, P A, A V, JC G, AM M et al. Plasticity of the human visual system after retinal gene therapy in patients with Leber's congenital amaurosis. Science translational medicine 2015;7: 296ra110.

  • R B, S H, GJ G, M H, H O. Distinction of self-produced touch and social touch at cortical and spinal cord levels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019;116: 2290-2299.

  • R M, G H, N P, Z W, BS P, HB S. Altered activation in fronto-striatal circuits during sequential processing of conflict in unmedicated adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological psychiatry 2014;75: 615-622.

  • S K, J A, IC B, M D, E D, H F. Contextual modulation of pain in masochists: involvement of the parietal operculum and insula. Pain 2016;157: 445-455.

  • S M, J F, M G, S G, M D, S R, OT W, C O, K W. Effects of hydrocortisone on autobiographical memory retrieval in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder: the role of childhood trauma. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2019;44: 2038-2044.

  • SE G, A G, L R, A H, L W, G G, KN S. Oxytocin influences processing of socially relevant cues in the ventral tegmental area of the human brain. Biological psychiatry 2013;74: 172-179